In this paper analysis of logistic region of Omsk potential is presented. Transportations is important to development of all sectors of the economy. Omsk is a part of West Siberian regions and has some advantage in geographic position: bordering on Kazakhstan, the ability to use water transport, development of transport infi'astnictare.
Logistic potential can be defined as ability to perform the functions of the carriage in full. But this term also includes strategic component. The logistic potential is being researched by a lot of scientists. Pal Koners and Pitter Druker defined logistic potential as possibility of cost saving, M.Potter includedstrategic component in this term, S.A. Uvarov pointed out that logistic potential is the strategic questions of the Supply Chain Management. This term includes 3 levels of management: micro-logistics level, meso-logistic level, macro-logistic level. We consider regional level in this paper.
18732596647000Transportations is important to development of all sectors of the economy. In transportation special place takes road transport (transportation by road transport takes 70%). In Russian Federation in 2013 8264 million tons of goods were transportedthe reduction being by3 ,5% in contrast to 2012. The amount of trucks in 2013 year increased by 5 % in contrast to 2012. [2]
Scheme 1. Transportations and amount of trucks
Analysis of statistics on transportation shows that road transport carries most of constructions loads (70-75%) and industrial loads (12%) [1]. Questions of regional development are related to logistic potential.
Transportation by road transport
Scheme 2. Transportation by road transport.
This value can be investigated by some of indicators on scheme 4 [4]. For regions of West Siberia, were development of industry and agriculture, most important area is regional transportation by road transport. Region transportation is important in development of industries in Wes Siberian regions. Omsk is a part of West Siberian regions and has some advantage in geographic position: bordering on Kazakhstan, the ability to use water transport, development of transport infrastructure. Freight turnover of Omsk District increased in 2013 by 59% in contrast to 2012 (see scheme 3).
Freight turnover of Omsk District
Scheme 3. Freight turnover of Omsk District
The market of road freight forwarding presents more than 400 companies which carry out regional transportation. More than half of them have organizational and legal form of individual entrepreneurship.
The Omsk districthas 440, 000 trucks and more than 20, OOOkilometers of roads, theinvestments in fixed assets increased in 2013 by 22% in contrast to 2012 .[3]
Scheme 4. Indicators of regional logistic potential
Warehouses of Omsk account for 650 000 m2 There are no class A warehouses. Those of В class occupy 31 000 m2 of premises. This has negative impact on the development of agriculture, industry and petroleum refining[6]. These problems of Omsk district can be solve by implementation of investment logistical projects. This project includes the construction of more than 200 000 m2of warehouses (of A and В class) in Lubino District. The reasons for the development of such a center are precisely as following: location of Lubinsky Districtas as well as entire Omsk Region at the intersection of federal highways, the availability of the necessary infrastructure, proximity to the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The cost of this project is 5 billion rubles.
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